Be Sure! 40 Days of Assurance – Day 11

Be Sure! 40 Days of Assurance – Day 11

Be Sure! Day 11

Yesterday, we considered the directions of east and west. In Psalm 103:11, we read another set of directions: Up and down.

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.”

For those who have humbly confessed their need for Jesus and give honor to Him, there is a truth of overwhelming magnitude – something that to the ancients would have truly been incalculable and unimaginable …

No matter how far up a person could go, they would never outdistance God’s love!

Corresponding to this is the reference to east and west in yesterday’s reading.

Here is the truth: When God forgives, He really forgives. Our sins have been removed from us as far as is possible to imagine. It is a statement of complete and utter forgiveness. Once our sins have been removed, they will never come back to haunt us.

Carry this thought today – WHEN GOD FORGIVES, HE REALLY FORGIVES!

Bro. Tim Owens – Pastor